Episode 6 - DWTS!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Episode 6 - DWTS!

We've been coming home from the studio each week to catch up on Dancing with the Stars on Tenplay. We love getting the opportunity to see what our very own Siobhan has come up with for her partner Sir Curtley Ambrose.  This week the stakes were upped for each competitor with the requirement to learn 4 dances each.  Curtley and Siobhan started the evening with a jive which is no mean feat to perform at speed when you have legs that long... but as usual Curtley stepped up to the plate and gave it his all. In the dance-off they got another chance to perform a Samba

Don't underestimate the power of the view vote... to keep them dancing each week - Don't forget to vote at www.tenplay.com.au